The Educo Scholarship Fund creates the options for young people and their families to be able to access Educo. Scholarships are awarded to those who most need it! The money we raise for this fund allows us to offer partial and full Educo Scholarships for specific “on the edge” youth identified by partner First Nation youth workers, social workers, counsellors, teachers, and community leaders around the province.
Educoʼs programs are already considerably less expensive than similar length courses offered by Outward Bound and other organizations but even at these rates, parents often find it hard to cover the costs.
Additionally, in this economy, we must expand our outreach efforts to the increasing numbers of families in need. Many loggers, resource workers, unemployed people, and business owners who have recently lost income would love the chance to send their son or daughter off to discover a sense of inner resilience and excitement at an Educo course but they simply cannot afford to do so.
We feel that courses filled with a variety of students from different backgrounds have the best capacity to transform the all of the individuals involved.
With your generosity, we will be able to ensure that nobody is turned away due to financial need.