
Educo Adventure School, 100 Mile House BC - Leadership

Welcome to Educo Adventure School!

Thank you for submitting your registration. Below is IMPORTANT INFORMATION regarding your Educo experience. Please read carefully and if you have any questions please contact the Educo office.


  •  Arrival time is between 2 and 4pm on course start date
  • Open House starts at 12pm on course end date – please arrive after 11am to pick your child up and participate in the Open House
  • If your camper requires the use of the Educo shuttle service to or from the site, please ensure this is arranged BEFORE course start date
  • Course deposits ($200) are non-refundable. Additional course payments are payable in full three weeks prior to course start date.


Please print this Student Commitment, Waiver and Medical Info Form, complete it and bring it to camp with you to hand in upon arrival!



  • Please plan to arrive at the site any time between 2pm and 4pm on the start date of your course.
  • If you require a ride to the Educo site from 100 Mile House between 2pm and 3:30pm on the first day of your course, contact the Educo office to arrange details.
  • If you need transportation out to the site and expect to arrive in 100 Mile House before 2pm or after 3:30pm, please let us know so we can make appropriate travel arrangements for you!

The Last Day at Educo – Open House

On the final day of each course all parents, friends and interested parties are cordially invited to a demonstration and celebration beginning at 12
noon. This is a time for the students to share their adventures with you. You are welcome to arrive at the site anytime after 11:00 AM. Activities will end at about 2:30 p.m. Please let us know if you are not going to pick up your child at the site so we can get them to the appropriate departure point.


Change and growth often occur during an Educo program. Students may discover new strengths, values and even a greater understanding of
themselves. Following the course, the transition of returning to a regular routine with familiar surroundings, people and expectations may be
challenging for some students. It is important for you to experience the changes and witness the growth in your child/friend. There will be plenty
of adventures, victories and accomplishments to share with you. We strongly encourage you to not only join in the Open House, but also to
provide encouragement and support in this time of transition.

Rental equipment
If you need to rent a sleeping bag and/or backpack and have not already made arrangements, please select these options during your online registration process or contact the office as soon as possible. Rental fees can be paid on your arrival day (cash or cheque please). Rental fees: sleeping bag or backpack – $25 each; sleeping pad $10.

Students who have recently been in contact with any infectious disease must not come to the School until they are cleared. Course fees
will be refunded in these cases on receipt of a letter from the attending physician. Any dental treatment should be carried out before the course
begins. If a student is bringing any kind of medication with them on the course make sure that they have a sufficient quantity to cover the period
of the course plus any travel time. All medication (prescription and over the counter) must come with complete instructions signed by a parent or

Alcohol and illegal drugs
We have a zero tolerance policy for these substances and students found with them will be sent home at their parent’s expense.

Due to the nature of our program and the fire hazard in the woods, smoking is not permitted at the School and all smoking materials
will be confiscated.

Please contact us at any time if you have questions. We are looking forward to seeing you!